Tracking Environmental Data with TPS and Keen.IO

Tracking Environmental Data with TPS and Keen.IO

About The Application

  • Keen.IO is a modern cloud platform providing data collection and analysis services through the REST API. Keen offers SDKs for many programming languages, including Node.js and browser-side JavaScript.

  • This tutorial uses Tibbit #30 (ambient humidity and temperature meter) to collect environmental data and store it on the Keen.IO server.

  • A very simple in-browser app (all the heavy lifting is handled by the libraries) is used for fetching data from Keen.IO and displaying beautiful charts in the browser window (the charts below aren't static — they've just been received from Keen.IO).

  • Data collection and representation are separated into two applications (device.js and server.js, respectively).

Temperature, C

Humidity, %

Beautiful charts, straight from Keen.IO

What you need


Onboard Software

  • Node.js V6.x.x (pre-installed during production)

External Services

  • Keen.IO (you must create an account)

Setting Up External Services

  • Create a Keen.IO account (free for up to 50000 events per month)
  • Add a new project
  • Click on the project's title to open a project overview tab:
  • Get your projectID and API keys (you need read and write keys):

Store the keys securely, especially the master key

Node.js Application

Configuration and Installation

git clone
cd keenio-tutorial
npm install .
  • Launch the app:
node device

Comments in the code explain how it works

// requires Keen.IO client module
const Keen = require('');

// requires Tibbo's humidity/temperature meter and sets it up to work with I2C line 4
const humTempMeter = require('@tibbo-tps/tibbit-30').init("S5");

// Binds the client to your account
const client = Keen.configure({
    projectId: "57066...........fe6a1279",
    writeKey: "0d2b95d4aa686e8274aa40604109d59c5..............4501378b3c193c3286608"

// Every minute..
    // ..reads the environmental data from the meter..
    var data = humTempMeter.getData();

    // ..checks out if everything's correct..
    if(data.status === 1){
        var payload = {
            hum: data.humidity,
            temp: data.temperature

        // ..and submits them to your event collection.
        client.addEvent("humtemp",  payload, function(err){
            if(err !== null){

Web Interface


  • The web interface app can be installed on a remote server, your PC, or executed on the same LTPS device (as a separate process)
  • Install the app (skip if running on the same LTPS):
git clone
cd keenio-tutorial
npm install .
  • Launch:
node server

Comments in the code explain how it works


        var client = new Keen({
            projectId: "5706............fe6a1279",
            readKey: "29ec96c5e..........746871b0923"

        // Configures NVD3 charting engine
        $scope.options = {
            chart: {
                type: 'lineChart',
                height: 300,
                margin: {
                    top: 20,
                    right: 20,
                    bottom: 40,
                    left: 55
                x: function (d) {
                    return d.x;
                y: function (d) {
                    return d.y;
                useInteractiveGuideline: true,
                xAxis: {
                    axisLabel: 'Time',
                    tickFormat: function (d) {
                        return d3.time.format("%X")(new Date(d));

        $scope.temperature = [
                values: [],
                key: 'Temperature',
                color: 'red'

        $scope.humidity = [
                values: [],
                key: 'Humidity',
                color: 'blue'

        // Defines Keen.IO query
        var query = new Keen.Query("multi_analysis", {
            event_collection: "humtemp",
            timeframe: {
                start : "2016-04-09T00:00:00.000Z",
                end : "2016-04-11T00:00:00.000Z"
            interval: "hourly",
            analyses: {
                temp : {
                    analysis_type : "average",
                    target_property: "temp"
                hum : {
                    analysis_type : "average",
                    target_property: "hum"

            // Executes the query..
  , function(err, res){

                // ..transforms the received data to be accepted by NVD3..
                    var timestamp = new Date(record.timeframe.end);
                        x: timestamp,
                        y: record.value.temp.toFixed(2)
                        x: timestamp,
                        y: record.value.hum.toFixed(2)

                // ..and does rendering


        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

        <script src=""/>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>

        <script src="browser.js" type="text/javascript"/>

    <body ng-app="chart" ng-controller="nodejs-keen">
        <h3>Temperature, C</h3>
        <nvd3 options="options" data="temperature">

        <h3>Humidity, %</h3>
        <nvd3 options="options" data="humidity">
Tracking Environmental Data with TPS and Keen.IO