Test App for Sensor Tibbits and Cable Probes

Test App for Sensor Tibbits and Cable Probes

Release Date:27-DEC-2018
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TPS2L(G2) device. Test Cable Probes using the TPS2LG2_Sensor-Tester-UI configuration. Sensor Tibbits are tested by inserting them into the slot S2 instead of Tibbit #21.

About This Application

This Tibbo BASIC app is for testing sensor Tibbits and Cable Probes*. The app detects a sensor Tibbit or a Cable Probe type and displays the readings from this Tibbit (Probe) on the LCD. There is also a Sensor-Tester-Web app that implements a web interface.

*Note that this app doesn't work with Cable Probe #04. We recommend testing this Probe with another app called TPS-based Office Aircon Controller App.

Required Hardware

Run this application on the following TPS configuration: TPS2LG2_Sensor-Tester-UI.

Cable Probes are connected as shown in the diagram. Sensor Tibbits are inserted into the slot S2 instead of Tibbit #21.

Test App for Sensor Tibbits and Cable Probes